29 March, 2010


Hey everyone,
The Limited Edition is out, but you have to be quick!!!
I logged on this morning and already most of the clothing items have gone!!!
So if you are superstars i recommend that you hurry into the starplaza now and see if you like any of the new LE items!!
Have a fabulous day everyone!!
Danii xx

(Click on the picture to enlarge)
Credit to: The stardoll insiders!

1 comment:

Jemmaa x from Stardoll Addicted said...

hey, ermm I dont think its fair that stardoll put out LE at the time its put out! What I mean is , my school is off for the Easter Holidays so therfore i was lying around bored! Then at one o'clock in the afternoon (I live in Great Britain) they release LE! But at one o'clock in the UK its night time at the other side of the world so how are they supposed to get a chance on buying some LE??
Comment me in my GB my stardoll name is BeauTiiFullx

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