20 March, 2010

No more Shelly....

Hello readers far and wide,

I'm so sorry that I had to do this, but I have had to fire Shelly from the blog.
As you may have noticed she hasn't been posting on her given topics.
So that the blog would keep up to date, I had to make a decision, and although multiple warnings were given to her, her posting level never rose to the standards.

So I made the choice, for the better of the blog and all you readers out there. I had to fire Shelly from her current position.

She will greatly miss the blog, and I and everyone else will miss her even more.

She will make a post with her goodbyes shortly, and I think that it would be nice if you all sent a nice message to her at this time.

We will be having a Writers Comp to find our next TSE member that will post about COMPS and FREE STUFF.

Keep your eyes open in the posts if you are interested.

xx Ellie


-pretierinpink- said...

Well, bye bye Shelly I'll mis you a lot.
You were a great blogger,organizer and friend, and you will always be.

So can I enter the comp?
My stardoll name is -pretierinpink-.

Nicole. said...

Goodbye Shelly !! I`ll miss you (L)


Anonymous said...

bye. shelly. don't feel sad. i'll contact u later

Alyson said...

Bye Shells! I'll keep my eye open for the comp! =D

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