26 March, 2010

More Updates!!

Hey everyone,
There is heaps of updates i need to tell you all.
1. New Otto!
Yay! I quite like the otto clothes!!
To get all the clothes in your dressing room, use the link below!
Most of the items, are non superstar which is good for non superstars and superstars but a few dresses and tops are for superstars only. :(
Which items do you like best from the shop?
(sorry it's so small)
2. New LE!!
As some of you may have seen already, there is a sign in the Limited Edition Shop, Closed for Renovation. I assume that means that NEW limited edition will be out soon!!
I will keep you posted on when the items come out!!!
3. Earth Hour!!
It's nearly Earth Hour and in the starplaza, there is bags and clothes for both, boys and girls!!
One item is for superstar but the rest is for non superstars!
Hang on..... it says that there is one item in the starplaza, for superstars and it costs $6 dollars.
I can't seem to see the top, pants or bag, that is for ss only??
Tell me if you can find it??
4. New Star Design!!
There is a new star design outfit!!
It's a dress which is 15 dollars!! Woah! That's expensive.
It's for superstars only, but i personally don't think that it's that nice!
I hope you all have a great and fun filled week!
Love and Kisses Danii.

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