22 March, 2010


Hey Guys,

New members get to experience a whole new beginning to Stardoll.com!
So here is the lead up process that new members go through before they get to "play" and have "fun"!

Firstly, they are bought to this screen:
Here they can choose an outfit from a variety of choices for both boys and girls. There are even DKNY Shoes (from the latest collection) and a Vivienne Tam Jacket!!!
Or you can choose the CUSTOM option which just gives you the old basic Start Up clothes (black skirt, white top, tights, jeans).

Once they choose their "look" they are then directed to this screen:
Here they can stylize their eyes, hair, nose, etc or as we know it, the "MeDoll Editor".
Now you will notice that this MeDoll has makeup! 
Now, all new members are given makeup as a part of the Clothing Style they chose!

They are then bought to this screen where the new members are brainwashed by a marketing video, to purchase SS Membership!

Here is the video: (hope this works - never done videos before :P )

After they have been brainwashed, but parents won't give them money for a virtual world, they are taken to this page, or their suite:
They again, only have one room and are given the old basic Start Up furniture (chair, bookcase, table, vanity).
And then if you confirm the email, you will receive only 5 (not 10 gifts like before).

So there we have it, they new system of joining Stardoll. If you would like to create a new account, click HERE to the Sign Up page!  Just make sure that you are logged out of your old account before going to the link, otherwise it won't work. 

Always smile,
xx Ellie


Anonymous said...

unfair!how come they could not have that when we signed up! is there any way to get it free otherwise then signing up?!?!

Bestfriend2212 said...

Hey how do you do videos???
Send me a message on sd.

Anonymous said...

i made a new id yesterday but didnt get any of this stuff!!

Unknown said...

I have a question. I made i new stardoll today. Can you send the free things they gave you to my old stardoll? If so how?

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