29 March, 2010

HB Jacket, Headband & Chain Released!!

Hey Guys,

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, so I will put all the HB together so you can see it easier!!


So, most recently (today), Stardoll released the HB Fur Jacket!!!
Here it is:
It is unfortunately for SS only, but it costs an UNBELIEVABLE price of just $7!!!! You can find it under the "New" Section or in the Fallen Angel's Store.
The jacket, I think, looks like a bear, and therefore, I wont be buying it.

But it is Inspired by Versace, see here:
 Thanks to Stardoll's Most Wanted


Next down the track, Stardoll released the Spiky Headband, although on the tag it doesn't say HB???
Anyways, here it is:
This is also for SS only and costs $6. You can find it on the last page of "HeadWear" in Splendid. I actually don't mind this accessory, but it does remind me a little of "medieval times".

This headband is Inspired by Givenchy, see here:
Thanks to Stardoll's Most Wanted

Before the Headband, Stardoll released the Shoulder Chain Belt. Here it is:
Again, no surprise, this is for SS only and costs $6. You can find it in the RIO Store, its the first item on the top rack. This chain can be put with any elegant dress to really give it that stylish feel. I really like it, and may even buy it!

This chain is Inspired by Falconeire, see here:
 Thanks to Stardoll's Most Wanted

Ok, so thats all the HB up-to-date now!!

Always smile,
xx Ellie


Simple Owner said...

They are nice

5-Krypton said...

U know the RL picture of the HB vest? The shoes are from the past LE!!

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