27 March, 2010

Cathy's Non-SS Fashion Picks #14

Hey guys! Can you believe I have done 45 outfits already?WOW!!
Anyway, the new shop Otto has some pretty cool clothes, so I decided to base it on the new range.

New Otto Fashion

Comment and Enjoy!


Katherine said...


crittercraz said...

Oh my gosh, whenever I see OTTO it makes me so sad. =( I started an account on Stardoll last year but {due to inactiveness, I think} it got deleted when I tried to start up again this year. When I started up, I discovered a virtually unknown brand called OTTO which I fell in love with/obsessed over. I didn't buy anything, although I loved it and planned to. Now, apparently, they've had a store open which I missed. x.x I'm so mad at myself; I would have bought everything. -.- And, I'm also mad at Stardoll for taking the brand away. >< {And customer service stinks}

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