05 March, 2010

The 3/4 Comp, and a Secret

I feel bad about giving you guys the results so late for the old comp. And making you wait a long time for this one. So to make up for it, I'll show you something AWESOME!

I LOVE THIS MAN. No seriously. Anyways, Here's the comp. You have to make an outfit using 2 out of the 3 of theese things! In the picture, their is three iteams, you must use atleast two of them in an outfit. Then you upload it to tinypic.com and take the link, and put it in here. Gotta be a member, but here it is. Remeber, judging takes a long time, this club has over 500 members, picture how many entries!
1.Must be on tinypic
2. Must be entried in the club
3. The iteams must be visiable
4.Don't be inpatient
5. Don't be offended if you don't get choosen
6.Don't mock other's entries
7.Try your best
1.Two superstars gifts
2.A gift to a friend of your choice
3.Gets name on club presentation
A few times, I've seen about 2 or 3 people saying how hard they worked, and wish it was them winning. This is all a game, and you can enter all the comps you want! Not to mention, it makes the winner feel really uncomfortable. Who knows, maybe I'll throw in a lil surprise for the top 3?


Anonymous said...

Hey Shelly awesome a new competition!
Can't wait to enter!!

Zeel said...

Hey shells!!!!! gonna enter soon! u put gr8 comps.
love ya

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