01 February, 2010

Poll Results!!!

The results are in!

The answer to the question:

''What blog name do you like?
- Stardoll Uncensored
- The Stardoll Exclusives
- The Stardoll Image
- Your Stardoll Bible
- Your Stardoll Air
- Stardoll Diaries"


"The Stardoll Exclusives"

with 168 out of 450 votes!

A BIG thanks to everyone that voted!

If you look on the side bar, I have a different poll for you.
Its called "What is next thing you want on this blog?"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Stardoll Exclusives sounds lame to me. Sorry but it just sounds so un-original :X.... I voted for 'Stardoll Diaries', it makes it sound more special, but it's okay; I still like the blog :D

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