18 February, 2010

Ellie, We'll Miss You!

So sorry no banner, I'm on my sister's laptop, I'll put it up later. But the title is not a joke. We will miss Ellie. See below

I was sad when I saw the message. Now theirs only me Cathy and Danii. The only bad part is we can't mess with the settings. Like above how it says ''Are you in the mood for love and be a guest writer?...'' we wouldn't be able to change it, or the banner. I'm still getting more info, I'll tell you guys all I know. You guys [the readers] make this blog what it is, so go to Ellie's Guestbook, and tell her how much you love her!

We'll Miss you!

Love Shelly
P.S.-I blurred the email.


Unknown said...

GooodBye FrangiPani_29 it took me ageS to learn your name wasn't Franipangi_29 frani_pangi29 and a few others ... Iv been reading for about a year now and it'll never be the same without you! Byee x

Kathy8764 said...

Byee Ellie. We will miss you :(

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