03 February, 2010


Hey everyone,
This Hot Buys Sweatshirt was released today!
I think it is disgusting, i hate the pockets and i think it is too oversized for my liking!
It costs $13 dollars and you can find it in the Evil Panda Shop (starplaza)
I think it is pretty expensive and i wouldn't buy it!
It is for superstars only and if you like it go ahead and buy it!
The sweatshirt is not inspired by anyone, therefor there is know celebrity version of the jumper!
I will keep you updated with all the new Hot Buys yet to come out!

Just letting all of you also know, Cathy and myself will be posting:
- Wardrobe of the week/month (best wardrobe)
- Celebrity Look-A-Likes
- Pick of the week/month etc.

If you think you have a great wardrobe, look like a celebrity or have much more to add let us know and either write in our guest books, or comment below!

Danii xxx

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