10 April, 2010


Hey everyone,
When i logged onto stardoll today i saw on the side of the page that you can now buy stardoll pre-paid cards for $8 dollars at Target!!!
WOW!! Stardoll is seriously getting desperate for everyone's money!!
Also in the UK at the you can buy a Burgerking toy (a dress up toy) at all your local stores!!
(Thanks to Doggstar)
Stardoll really needs to stop being money hunters and leave us stardoll users alone from being fooled into there tricks!!
If you agree or disagree with me, i would love to here your comments, so please write in the comment box below or in my guestbook,
Have a fabulous day!! Danii xx


Anonymous said...

you are so right i agree though it is not that bad it is a bit good but i don't live in america so it is useless to some people.also some people might not want to be a superstar

Sophie (spoffs) said...

I totally agree with you.
I swear there are hints all around stardoll making you want to become superstar. Like when you go onto your account under the money bit. It boldly states 'you are not superstar' as if its a bad thing.
I think everything should just be free :P xx

Anonymous said...

weird im from the UK and i got that ad we dont have target;/

Simona(firekitten98) said...

yes i agree 2!!!!!!!sometims i really get mad at d stardoll staff 4 doin dat!!!!! xxxx

strawberry said...

well i understand ur frustrations but... we like it or dont we live in a world who`s economy is all about spending money (even the money u dont have yet- but this is another discussion). Point is u dont get thingsfor free, even when it seems u do: if u got smth for free its only to make u spend more later.
Besides stardoll is pretty cool game, i bet it wasnt easy to be made and i also bet is quite difficult to mentain it (just think how many ppl, from all over the world are there-each with several accounts) and all this... cost money and effort so.. someone has to pay for this;)

Anonymous said...

stardoll is wrong, they shouldn't do this to people minipulating us just so we will by vurtial money when with the money you spend you could by REAL clothes. I think there robbing us from our money and ripping us of they keep putting the prices up.

p.s r u sure its australia because they have target in America?

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