07 January, 2010

No more Mr. Penguin....

This is just in, our beloved "Write Me Penguin" has disappeared.
I guess he got sick of standing on a shelf in our conputer screens, so he set a plan and waddled off Stardoll.

Why would Stardoll do this? This penguin is practically their "biggest seller". Why would Stardoll get rid of it just like that....

Is this part of their plan? To make non-ss feel like they have to pay to look good or be popular?? Is this Stardoll wanting more money???
Is Stardoll getting rid of what non-ss survive on??

Look at the facts people!!!! Stardoll rises all the prices of non-ss clothing, turns more items into ss only, takes away "stardollar a day" and now, deleting the one gift we, non-ss can send to our friends!!!!!!!

It makes me sick! Stardoll wants more money! More power! But in the end, they will lose! SS membership will become more expensive and there won't be any one item for non-ss to buy!!
Stardoll is GREEDY!!!

Info thanks to 1sdprotest. and vampireblobfish


Anonymous said...

oh no thats terrible! the penguin has always been there since i joined stardoll 2 years ago, what are non ss going to send to their friends now?? :(

Doggystar said...

BOO. They can't do that ;(

rainbowbluebell said...

i so agree!
i find it really annoying because i cant become ss and they cant force me!the only way i can be ss is if my friend is sweet enough to get it for me which she has! also i love stardoll, its practically my life, iv been a member for ages!!i really dont want to have to stop gong on it because i cant do anything anymore!!

monopoly08 said...

this is sooooooooooo meen of em.what will i send to my bffs when im not ss.
add me im monopoly08

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