02 January, 2010

Another team member....

Hello lovely readers,

I am yet again proud to announce that we have another member join the Stardoll Gossip & Cheats team. Her name is Cathy (lil_miss_glam13) and she will be creating outfits for non-ss every week!

Cathy loves fashion, music, designing, dancing and her two favourite singers are Lady Gaga and The Black Eyed Peas!!

Please make her feel welcome on her upcoming posts.

Please note that she is in charge of non-ss outfits, so if you have any questions on fashion, don't feel shy to ask her. She is a lovely person who will take care of your needs.

I am absolutely delighted to have so many stardoll members want to be writers for this blog, but at the moment I am not looking to take anyone.

xx Ellie

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