11 January, 2010


This Hot Buys Green Coat was Released today in the Starplaza!

I think the green coat is alright i don't think it's a bad coat but i personally would not buy it for my medoll!
It costs 12 stardollars and you can find it in the bisou shop in the starplaza!
Of course it's superstar but i am not to fussed because i wouldn't have bought it for my medoll anyway!
What do you think?
Good or Bad?
Look next to my medoll and you will see the celebrity version of the green Hot Buys Coat!
Look alike?

Bye 4 now but not 4 eva,
xxx danii (hip_hop_lady13)

Congratulations to ny_cutie good luck and we hope you do your absolute best writing for this blog! xx danii

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