21 January, 2010

Play & Earn SCAM!

Hmmm..... look at this:
Stardoll is saying that we get earn up to $50 a month!

But what many of us didn't see is that this is a SCAM!

What do I mean? How is it a scam?

Well, lets do the mathematical stuff!
Before the whole "save a $1, use $4 on the day", we got $5 everyday (if you did Play & Earn everyday)  to spend on that day in the Minishop or Starplaza.

So $5 x 30 days (average month) = $150 per month if you did it everyday for 30 days!

We used to earn $150 every MONTH!!!

But its different now! Stardoll is giving us a "limit" to only $50 every month! Which means that we can only do Play & Earn for 10 days (50 / 5 = 10 days)!!!

So to sum it all up, we used to get $150 every month! Now we only get $50! 
That $50 comprises of $10 saved in the purse and $40 to spend on the day we do Play & Earn!!!

What a RIP OFF!!

1 comment:

Sophie (spoffs) said...

Your right!! It is a scam, I wanted to earn 5 stardollars today but couldnt because i reached my limit. I wrote them an angry letter!!

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