15 January, 2010

New Shop: OTTO!!!

 There is a new shop in the starplaza, but only for members in Austria/Germany!!!! :(

But lucky for you, we have found a solution! Click HERE to get every item from the store in your dressing room!

Unfortunately, some of the items (mainly dresses) are SS only, but everything else non-SS can buy!! For non-SS the prices range from $3-$7, so you can easily get items with Play & Earn money and some of that money saved up (from Stardoll's Christmas Gift to us).

I must say, there are a heap of great stuff up for grabs! A new, fresh and fashionable store is exactly what Stardoll members needed! And Stardoll did a great job in choosing and recreating a store!!!

xxx Ellie

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Do you know how long the store will be there? And if no that's ok
Do you think they will give stardollars back ?

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