02 June, 2010

Chanel Has Arrived

Yes, Its official! Chanel has arrived onto stardoll! The shop is named: "Chanel Tribute" and is REALLY dear! They look almost vintage so im guessing the theme is, "Vintage Chanel" But i will have to do some research. Anyway, Here is a pic of the first page of the store:
Also the dearest thing there....Is a handbag/purse?!? It costs 42sd! I mean...42SD! Thats more than the dresses! But, i suppose if you are a collector you have to pay for these things =D
These are my Favourite Dress and shoes: But they cost 56sd!

Tell me what you think of the store,
Also if you cannot get the store in your country, please inform me and i will do something to help you get the items.
Rayanna xx


Anonymous said...

all my starplaza has (I am from England) has one page of clothing at the etrance. Can you give me the link for the full store?

Katherine said...

i havent bought anything! I know they will probably become rare but my budget doesnt stretch that far! lol x

PapaRoachLover xx said...

I am from england too, and i got the full store, Um i will send the link to you no probs! Whats your username on Stardoll?!

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