10 December, 2009

Stardoll Parties!!!

Did you wonder why Stardoll had put "Party People" on the Friends Categories list??

Well, Stardoll has answered your question by giving us Stardoll Parties!!

But how do I get here???
All you have to do is click on Design then Parties on the toolbar at the top:

You will then be taken to this page:

If you are Stardoll Royalty and would like to Host a Party, you can choose of three different rooms:

If you have been invited to a party you will get an invitation that looks like this:

You will then choose to Accept or Decline, if you accept, a window comes up:

And when the time comes for you to attend, the party will look like this:

But, UNFORTUNATELY, only Stardoll Royalty can HOST a party. And by the looks of this message, it will eventually be for every SUPERSTAR!

Please note that NON-SS can go to parties, they just can't HOST one.


doggystar said...

Woo, My Invite! Loll!

Track_Star14 said...

Can someone tell me how to get into the parties? I am non-SS, and I have invites, but how do you make it into them?


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