16 December, 2009

Stardoll Ad: OMG!

OMG! Can you believe this!
When I logged on to Stardoll today, there was and "ad" showing!!!!

This was shown first:

Then a second later, this was shown:

I am disgusted, outraged and totally pissed at Stardoll!!! This is the most cruel thing that they have ever done!

They are basically saying, Non-SS is crap, pay up and you will be a happier person!!!
They are money greedy!!!

I mean look at me, for example, I have been Non-SS for all my life and I can have a great "happy" life. I have a great Medoll, suite and amazing friends!

This is just wrong!


Anonymous said...

I agree with You. I told my friend about it and she also thinks that stardoll making non superstar users think their account is crap!!!

Anonymous said...

i know, mabye they had a message or something 'cause now the non SS medoll is smiling. but i agree its disgusting im SS but ij not gunna b soon its a waste of money i could be spending on things that i can actually touch lol wat would happen if my pc or stardoll crashed? my money (or my mums lol) would b wasted k(

Zeel said...

ya i agree with you bttw if u didnt know i am zeel_soni n i am a superstar i remember how i was non-ss i TOTALLY agree with u and plz dont be mean to me coz i am ss

Anonymous said...

OMG, exactly!

This month I'm not buying superstar membership(I did for two months) because I don't have any money, and I know that our family really isn't doing all that well now with all the economic crisis. Even though my parents don't tell me. But when stardoll did this, yes, pissed off I was! Simply horrible! And today they sent an update of the same kind too! Ugh! >=(

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. I was non-ss last time but now I've been ss but I still remember happy memories when I was non-ss. I also kinda hate being ss cuz every month you have to pay stupid amounts of money

teenty said...

I AM DISGUSTED!!!! this makes non ss seem like depressed losers who have no fashion sense and if u pay money u become cool!!! i am offended!!

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