22 December, 2009

Hello readers,

I am proud you announce that we have a new writer for the blog. Her name is Danii (hip_hop_lady13) and she will be the head of the Hot Buys department. I am still not back, but she was so eager to start writing that I couldn't resist.

Danii loves netball, swimming, writing and shopping. Her favorite colours include purple and light green and she would love to publish her own book one day down the track.
Please make her feel welcome on her upcoming posts.

Please note that she is in charge of Hot Buys, so if you have any questions on that matter, don't feel shy to ask her. She is a lovely person who will take care of your needs.

I will be posting all the free stuff and new events that have been happening shortly, our computer is slowly recovering but we can not use it yet.

xxx f.f

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