04 August, 2009

FREE Sonny With a Chance Shirt!!

To get the FREE Sonny with a chance blouse, follow the steps below:

Tip: before going into the proxy site get into Stardoll, log in and put the "Remember me" feature, it might save you some time!

1. Go to http://surfaanonymt.se/ or use the following manual proxies:
- port 80
- port 8080 (i used this one on firefox)

Learn how to use a manual proxy clicking here!

2. On the Proxy URL Bar, put: http://www.stardoll.com/sv/clubs/home.php?id=1407858
3. Log into your doll.
4. Join the club.
5. Invite 5 friends by choosing them on the sidebar so you can get the top!
6. Close the window.

You have it!

Did it work? Did you use other proxy?


Anonymous said...

It doesnt work for me :( I have a MAC computer and even with firefox this stuff never works for me...

Anonymous said...

When the page opens the JOIN CLUB link never shows. Can you try and find another proxy that it might work for, what language is it??

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