16 November, 2009

Stardoll wants OUR opinion!!! WOW!!

I was one of the many that was shocked when I saw this on Underneath Stardoll!
Stardoll is holding an actual survey?!?!?

Have i seen right? Stardoll actually wants OUR opinion?? GEEZ...

Apparently not everyone got the message (like me) but if you still want to take the survey to give your opinion you can click here!!!
Anyway in the survey they ask your opinion about some possible new layouts!
But honestly... I only like the first one!

What do you think?

All pictures thanks to Underneath Stardoll


Anonymous said...

You cant do it anymore :( it says it closed....

Anonymous said...

I didnt get the email either :( i dont know if it is because i have slightly bad eyesight but I cant actually see the difference in any of the pictures :( ??

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