25 September, 2009

Miss Sixty is FINALLY here!!!

 second picture thanks to stardolldesigner.blogspot.com

UPDATE: Stardoll released some more Miss Sixty stuff! A couple tops and the bathing suits are missing still, do you think they'll bring them back? Or were my theories right?

Stardoll finally decided to released the Miss Sixty Shop!!! 
But wait a second, i remember seeing a picture on thatgirlsophy's blog of the Miss Sixty shop, and there being HEAPS more clothes. 

Ok, there can be two theories to this. 
1. Summer season is over, so that is why they have taken all the bathing suits and summery stuff out of the collection

2. Stardoll removed those clothes all together because of the lesbian kissing bathing suit.

Personally, i think its the 2nd theory and thats why they were removed from starplaza in the first place. 
Why couldn't they just remove that bathing suit and keep everything else!!!

And it gets worse, not only did Stardoll give us half a shop, but they made everything superstar and HEAPS expensive! 

What the hell?!?!?!

1 comment:

marxtik said...

I really love, but it´s sooo expensive!

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