15 May, 2010

Superstar for FREE? Advice.

Hey-lo awesome people. x
I just found out about a thing where you get SS for free and this time it is 'for real!'
I am not joking!
When you create a new account on Stardoll - after 3 days, you will get a message saying you'll be SS fir 24 hours!! You can buy SS Clothes, SS Furniture, do broadcasts, Parties and more. The only thing you can't do is buy from a StarBazzar and it's all for free for 24 hours! =]
You also get 4 Free Items:

If you want your original account to get these items you sell them in the StarBazzar for 0 SD and go on your real account and buy them!

My Advice:
Do it! It's totally worth it. Experience the Super Stardom for free, but only bad thing is that you need to be SS on your main account to get the items!

xxxx Love ya,

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