19 May, 2010

Glitch - Starpoint Fairies??

Hello everyone!

I was re-designing my suite today and found out a glitch that is awesome if you like fairies:
As you know, you can buy fairies from the suite shop when you get enough starpoints. You used to be limited to only buying 1 fairy of each kind, but now you can buy as many as you want??? These fairies only cost 1sd each, and apparently you can buy loads. If there is a problem please tell me, But be-warned it might just be a temporary glitch, so hurry.
Here is the list of Starpoints needed to unlock the fairies:
Yellow Fairy=500 Starpoints
Green Fairy=700 Starpoints
Blue Fairy= 1000 Starpoints

Any Problems Just Comment,
Rayanna xxx

(P.S- If you want proof that this glitch works, come to my suite)

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